Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Healthy Start

Hello all!

I'm back to blog again! I'm going to make this a habit from today. It has been something I've been talking about over and over again but this time I'm blogging for a purpose: A better diet, a better looking body.

Yes, I'm going on a healthy kick! Why not? I'm not going for the old school dieting methods. Yes, maybe I'll just incorporate a little of those but I'm making sure this is something that will persist for the rest of my life.

From today onwards, I'll document my healthy journey and make sure I look good in my bikini and hot pants very soon! =)

For the past 3 nights, I've been feasting on different sorts of buffets! I have to admit I fell in love with chocolate fountains (as always) and the endless free flow of delicious delicacies! I reckon it'd be a while I'd ever have a buffet meal again. Sometimes I do agree with the saying "Life is short, why not go for it?". To me, God has paved my way and all I have to do is roll out His plans for me. Be it good or bad, everything does happen for a reason. So I'm not worrying much.

I know going after a healthy diet is going to be difficult but I want to look good, or better still, great! Thus, I'm embarking on this journey that would completely change my life.

So what's on the list for today?

I'm having cheese sandwiches I packed for lunch, two oranges for tea and a lotus bun if I'm terribly hungry. I know they are full or carbs but I hope that would ease my very fragile system after days of feasting. I'm leaving work on the dot. Do 100 sit-ups and jog five rounds around our place. Then have a serving and a half of boiled broccoli for dinner. This shall persists for the next two weeks until we moved into our new place. Then there comes the twist, I'd have to plan for my new routine but I guess it's not going to be much of a different if I persist! =)

Alright, it's time to get back to work. More posts are on the way!

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